Myth #1.
In order to have healthy hair you can't relax it. - Some people use the word "perm" but it's called relaxer. Now to the nitty gritty. Healthy hair is attainable no matter HOW you wear your hair. It's all about maintenance.
If you get a relaxer, you must maintain it. Period. Otherwise you're asking for breakage, and damage. And another thing...
Your hair needs to be healthy before you get a relaxer anyway.

See the pic on the left. Why put a chemical on damaged hair??? It is not in the condition it needs to be in to handle a chemical anyhow. Blame the bad stylist who put it on you, and yourself for allowing it, and then blaming the product!!! The product didn't damage your hair, bad practice did.
The purpose of the relaxer is to 'loosen the curl'- not to make it straight. If the hair is straightened too much- it is

OVERPROCESSED, and now porus. Which can also occur in coloring hair as well. See the pic on the right. Yes, your hair is in a more healthy state when it's natural, but if you do not know how to care for your natural hair, it'll break, and get damaged just like chemically processed hair.
MAINTAIN your hair, and you'll have healthy hair. Period.
Myth #2.
I can color my hair by box and it'll be fine. First, let's briefly go over how "PERMANENT" color works.
There are 10 levels when it comes to color... 1 being black, and 10 being blond. In between is 5- red... Now when coloring hair you must understand what you can and CANNOT do (and maintain healthy hair...) In order for
someone who has darker hair to go to a lighter color you must lighten your hair. Whether is it by "bleach"

or a high volume peroxide. The color that is in the darker hair must be LIFTED.
<---- If you don't understand this wheel. DO NOT try to color your own hair!!!!! Meaning, you cannot slap a red color on top of your dark tresses and expect the color on the box. No sweetie, you'll have hints of red on your dark hair that may only be visible in the light. Blondies... no you can't just slap red on your head and think it'll be red either. You have a yellow tone, so your hair will turn orange... you need violet to cancel out yellows and green to cancel out red tones etc etc etc. And no you cannot color your hair jet black, and go back blond. Not without a pair of scissors you won't. Color does not lift color!!! Point is folks:If you do not understand how color works, or how the color wheel does play a HUGE role in the tones, and colors you'll get... leave hair coloring to the professionals. P.S. Box colors have lots of ammonia. Though there are some that don't but there are many more that do, and that ammonia is no bueno for your hair, that leaves an ashy cast on the hair when you finish. Henna is nice, but you must be careful with it as well, as it is a metallic. Relaxers and metallics are no go.
#3. It doesn't matter what kind of shampoo I use. OOOOHH contraire mu-fraire... There are not so many shampoos out there for so many purposes for no reason. Brands? That's on you to choose, but nothing less than the best for this beauty nut. Kera Care, Enjoy, Kenra, and fifty million other awesome lines out there. The key is finding what is going to work for your hair! Someone with fine hair shouldn't be using a moisturizing shampoo unless they have dry scalp: why? Because this will weigh their already fine hair down even further and make their hair stick to their heads. Use lots of product? A Clarifying shampoo would be best because it cleanses without stripping the hair of what it needs. Believe it or not many people think they have dandruff when they really don't. Shedding of the skin cells happens on the head just like anywhere else on the body. The best way to a nice fresh scalp is to use a comb to "get up" that skin prior to shampooing... that is sticking to the head, so that when you shampoo you also get that skin off your scalp! Viola! No Dandruff!!! And yes, conditioning is essential. Conditioning keeps the hair supple, detangles, and as long as you choose the right kind- helps maintain healthy hair.
How do you know all this Nikki??? Well let's see... did I mention I'm licensed stylist with ethics and I believe in educating clients? A stylist that just 'does your hair' and doesn't give vital information like 'RED is high maintenance' or have ethics like, 'your hair is a bit too damaged for chemical treatment...' is not a very good stylist.
Here are some things to look for in your stylist:
1. Professional- yet friendly.
2. Consults with you about the condition of your hair, and where you want to go with it.
3. Listens to what you want in a style but also informs you of what is and is not flattering. helps you make decisions on what's best for YOU- your hair, lifestyle, and maintenance.
4. Is not only out to make a quick buck, but have a lifetime client- because they are just that good at what they do: resulting in what you love, a head of healthy hair, and knowledge of how to maintain that beautiful hair in the event they are not availible.
Just know that I does this. OK... Now that we've covered that... On to the Make-up Myths...
Myth #1. People who wear makeup don't like how they look. Now if you wear so much makeup you no longer look like YOU- then maybe you're wearing "too much." The purpose of makeup is to enhance your already there features. False lashes, lip plumpers, and things of that nature are extras. They don't change you. they enhance. I love how I look...
Myth #2.
Men like women who do not wear make up. *ROTFLMBAO..hahah hahhahhah hahahhh ...ok.. ok ok... ok...* Whew, had to catch my composure. For the record I just wanna say that's BUH-SHYT.
I believe men prefer the "natural look" but believe you me- that's makeup made to look natural often times. Who wants to wear a fierce dress and look "natural"? Umm yeah glam is for glam wear, and for some glam is daily. It's up to you though! I have said before that it is a talent in wearing make up- Not looking like you have it on. I promise you if you ask a man who his top five women who are up there on their look good list is- chances are they are "made up" in some way... If a man say he don't like make up that's probably because he don't want you getting looks and/or attention from any other guys; Ask me how I know. *ding* No, it's not that you're not naturally beautiful, makeup simply plays up your features. Period. Nothing more- nothing less. If anything- a
man should be happy you take the time to polish yourself up, so you're looking your best, and he's the one who has YOU on his arm. Taking over an hour may indicate a problem though *lol* SO- Yes, ladies wearing only eyeliner, lipgloss, and mascara still constitutes you wearing MAKE UP budda. Stop livin' in denial and explore some other items to perfect your 'natural' look. Here's natural looks... but guess what?
They are still wearing makeup. 

I never said you should look like you work at M.A.C... then again that wouldn't be a bad thing anyway that says you got
skillz... sometimes. *lol*
Myth #3.
I can't wear makeup because... Kill the excuses ladies. MEN wear makeup see than us sometimes. Yes, both of the pix below are MEN...
Kill your excuses ladies. 

OK! Prescriptives blends for your tone. Many ways of coverage powder, liquid, mineral. Need sunscreen? Heck it's in a lot of foundations and products these days. There are consultants all over Sephora, M.A.C., and Macy's counters.
ASK for help if you need it. I promise you nobody came out the womb knowing how to apply their perfected shadow. Practice, be prepared to wipe it off and start over if it wasn't the look you wanted... get good products (for you) and see what works and doesn't work for YOU. Either way- stop with the excuses! Beautify your outside to match your inner beauty.
There is no such thing as "day/night" make-up. Make-up is about fun and enhancing your representative, and goodness- making a lasting first impression on the world. How many people that you do not know- will walk by you today? Exactly. You may very well not care what they think, but I know what they won't be saying about Nikki. Goes like this: "Damn she was lookin' fugged up." *lol*
Until next time...