Monday, May 4, 2009

Get Your Mind Right... It's Your Look... Perfect it!

They say that what we project on the outside can tell us what's going on in the inside... Yet again, I agree, but I also disagree. I know people who put best foot forward outside, but are torn down inside... People who step out "homely lookin' " but feel perfectly fine inside. Now what some of you are thinking may be.. "hmmm" what in the world are people are Saks Fifth feelin' like- or as Madea (Tyler Perry) so eloquently put it... "They say money can't make you happy, but I'd sure in hell like to find out." I have had my days where when I made myself up. ..and felt prettier, better, even more positive, and days where my "makeup" made me feel no different.
What I had to change was not my make up, but my thoughts to be a better person, and see the sunshine in everything... I mean just that. Katt said...EVERYTHANG??? Eh-vEr-Ra-Thang. What I am trying to convey is this: Now that you have the basics down, and know your style.. perfect it. Nothing wrong with adding some color to your gloss. Nothing wrong with throwing some curls in your straight hair. It doesn't hurt to throw a little curveball now and again. If you feel like you're doing way too much with your newer look, then take it one addition at a time. I didn't begin my look full mode on. OH GOODNESS NO. I had neutral colors and stuck with them, until I got a little curious about what that blue would look like on ME. After that I did enroll in cosmetology, so what in the heck good is a beautician in training without AWESOME looks??? The rest is history...

Here are some tasks for my plain janes...

1. Find or pick 2 colors that you feel wouldn't look good on you (via a makeup store or purchase), write down why they wouldn't, and try them out- or better yet if you go to a make up store, have an artist use it on you in a minimal manner... and prove yourself wrong.

The key when it comes to color is HOW MUCH to use.... especially if you just began wearing makeup. Otherwise you will feel like you're in make-up overdrive.

2. Use your neutral tones with the 2 new colors you have. See what blending techniques work for you with the neutral make-up, so that is not demanding attention you may not be ready for. Just a subtle, yet nice change to a regular neutral look... Just a bit of jazz if you will. Try some blue with that brown and see what a gorgeous color combo you have!

3. UNDERSTAND that a lot of people think because you wear make-up, you're ashamed or not confident in your natural beauty. When that is SIMPLY not true. Some people know they are gorgeous... others have to be told... however, I have never met a woman that make-up touched and didn't have that natural beauty enhanced. EXAMPLE: Have you seen Halle Berry in all her glory without makeup?!?!? Yeah- I'm just sayin'... (

As you grow more comfortable wearing makeup you'll probably venture out and try different colors that are WAY out, and even learn how to incorporate that color into the daily look. The purpose in this is having a happy medium. Knowing when to pull out the big guns, and show 'em what you got, or when to K.I.S.S... The point of the neutrals you should have is to have a perfected "daily" look... adding these colors to them, simply give you another avenue when you feel like making another statement outside of... I'm cute. maybe, I'm FINE...

Conclusion is, to wear makeup and be confident about it, you have to get your mind right. You're an individual, and there is nothing wrong with makeup. If you opt not to wear it. More power to you... However, don't bash those who do, then get mad when they are out and about getting compliments because their shadow is gorgeous, or that color on their lips is sooooo pretty. You are you- with or without make-up. Make-up does not change YOU! Beauty shines through the make-up. True beauty is on the inside... let that reflect on the outside. Only you know how much is too much for you, and nobody else. As for Nikkay... there are never enough pretty shades for these gorgeous globes or lips!!! *lol*

Until next time...

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