Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Truth About Most Cosmetic Reviews...

I do believe most people should look into reviews prior to purchasing a product; especially if it costs a pretty penny. The truth of the matter is- we're all different so what one raves about someone else is going to think is GARBAGE.

I laugh all the time when I read the "ridiculously bad" reviews on products. Most of those are user error in application or how to use the product, and also a lot of the time, not taking the time to read about the product and what it's specialty really is. I have never had a product that I was like- HORRIBLE... Why you ask? Because I (try to) never buy something before I try it. Period. When you purchase things that are backed by a good return policy- they most than likely also allow you to try it. Why not try it first? DUH... that's what the testers are for.

Who in the hell just sees a product, a tester right there, doesn't try it and says I want that- then complains about it? Idiots do...That's who. You got what you paid for. It is not the company's fault that your skin is retardedly dry or oily. So don't bash the company for not being able to tame your oily face or your sahara desert patches...

Instead of looking for the quick fix- Find a cleanser that targets that, and a product you can live with until it is corrected or at least at bay. There is no quick fix to a lot of our problems, but more of a range of things that can assist while you TREAT the original issue. Things like oiliness is usually sebum glands producing too much oil, and believe me; there are products out there that help and yes even oily people need to use a moisturizer. the skin is over producing because it is deprived. I just wanted to point that out because online while looking for new products to review, and try I always run across some janky reviews on fantastic products. Some are legit complaints- walks like a duck talks like a duck... But most of the time- it's rants from people who don't know where to start. Out out of 100 reviews- 6 are bad and bashing the hell out of the product. Then you read on to find out these people have problematic skin, or issues that that mighty little product was not meant to fix. People need to read.

Though I know it's all personal opinions and we are entitled to them; I just want to point out majority of the people who do shop at these stores, online, and department stores haven't a clue about makeup, skin conditions, or what is really the issue they need to correct for everything else to work in accordance with their "makeup". The best thing to having your makeup look great is a great canvas, and if all you're doing is slapping makeup on top of other problems to quickly make it 'look' good- you're headed for even bigger problems. Fix the main issue, then move on to smaller "fixes".

Until next time...

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